How To Use The Saliva Collector

How To Use The Saliva Collector
How To Use The Saliva Collector

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Purpose: Saliva Collectors are used to collect saliva samples secreted by the oral cavity and store them at room temperature. After the sample is extracted, it is used for clinical in vitro diagnosis.

Collection principle: The saliva collector collects saliva samples secreted by the oral cavity, and evenly mixes the collected saliva with the saliva preservation fluid to ensure the integrity of the DNA in the saliva sample and the long-term storage at room temperature.

Saliva sample collection is a way to obtain DNA/RNA without harming the human body and without pain. This collection method will not cause any inconvenience to the collector and is relatively easy to be accepted.

The saliva collector is mainly composed of a collection funnel, a collection tube, and a collection tube cover. After the storage liquid and saliva are mixed, they can be stored for a long time at room temperature, and the DNA/RNA of the saliva sample will not be damaged.

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Taizhou Fangye
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