As Jagex focuses on Unfinished Business recently

As Jagex focuses on Unfinished Business recently
As Jagex focuses on Unfinished Business recently

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As Jagex focuses on Unfinished Business recently and want to get it moving fast, they will make RuneScape polls about updates, fixes or improvements as many as possible. And right now they are calling for suggestions about what should be polled. Please speak out your idea loudly. Maybe it will be updated in the game eventually. Anyway, you must need to buy RS gold cheap.

The ideas that Mod Osborne likesMany players have been making their suggestions, and Mod Osborne expresses his fancy on some of them, including Mass-moving quests to F2P, Lodestones to cost resource per use, and adding more content to Trim.

That means there is a fair chance that these ideas will be polled in the future.Other ideas that player have suggested polling1.Combine a lot of items to create a more powerful one as an item sink.2.Remove the mini-games which aren’t played or inactive.3.Reduce dailyscape and change shops to a weekly, or even monthly restock timer, at the same time adjust the stock accordingly.4.Reduce the number of game worlds.5.Remove mobilising armies.6.Add a new currency with fixed value to trade above max cash in GE.......The opinions about pollsAt the same time, some players have made some suggestions about polls. For example, a player suggests polls should not be overused, for not all contents need to be polled.
rsgoldfastnan rsgoldfastnan
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