Paint Bucket Mould Can Be Customized

Paint Bucket Mould Can Be Customized
Paint Bucket Mould Can Be Customized

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Bucket mold/bucket mold is suitable for plastic Paint Pail Mould, the capacity can be customized according to needs. According to the cavity, we usually make 1 or 2 or 4 or 6 cavities. Most buckets with lids should be leak-free and designed to prevent theft. In order to establish a good cooling system to reduce cycle time, we recommend using beryllium copper in mold making.
The advantages of plastic paint bucket mould are as follows:
Multi-cavity mold design and processing capabilities
High speed injection cycle time
Fast and optimal cooling system design
Solution system for spray tank
20L Pail Mould is the specification of our common paint bucket mold, welcome to consult and contact us.
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