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The only differences are population, racial skills

  • August 8, 2021
    Meta > Friends > Lore. There are many excuses they like for the faction they choose however when you arrive at the actual conclusion at the top, it's because players were following the meta and WOW TBC Classic Gold one faction was generally more dominant in PvP. The difference could have been reduced if they had relegated the racial abilities of PvP to different factions.

    The game's release revealed that the very most talented players and guilds from successful MMOs were focused on PvE (some exceptions). In the case of PvE, the impact of the racial skill was lower than the Paladin/Shaman impact with 40 players. The main focus in this case is Alliance. Everybody knows how to do PvE and can do them in their beds. A plethora of guides and videos which make them all easy but the main "challenge" today is PvP. In the game with smaller groups, the distinction between Paladin and Shaman is not as noticeable however the differences in racials is noticeable...and that's why Horde becomes the meta-faction.

    The notion that one side is made up of "better players" than the other is absurd. Take a look at the steps involved in deciding one side over the other. Nothing can stop someone from choosing either side or the other.

    The only differences are population, racial skills, and buy WOW TBC Gold the paladin/shaman (for classic) absolutely nothing else distinguishes the horde player distinct from an alliance player. PVP is more well-liked among players who prefer to play in the meta faction (horde). But this is one small problem compared to the vast imbalance of population and the problems it causes.