Elien SPA - the best Spa in Riga
Types of relaxation in the SPA salon.
Salon relaxation includes a whole range of services:
wrapping (cold, hot);
types of massage (from the feet to the head, with or without special devices);
other services depending on the direction of the salon.
Relaxation with massage.
I recommend visiting Elien
Spa in Riga
Relaxation massage will help a person to relax, plunge into the world of the East, enjoying tranquility, connecting soul and body. The most common technique in the salon of SPA services is Thai massage.
This is a complex effect on the body or a certain part of it, including a special effect on the acupuncture points of the body. As a result of this massage, blood circulation improves, breathing normalizes, and the body gets complete relaxation.
This kind of massage is also carried out using special massage and aroma oils.
But, a special type of this procedure is a massage with bags of herbs.
This relaxation has a special character. Massage in this case is carried out not by hands, but by special, preheated, bags with medicinal herbs. They differ in size and composition. This massage is useful for stress, as well as for people prone to colds.