Additionally, I would like to recommend you this guide for
WOW Classic TBC Gold hunters who want to level up although it's much higher levels than the ones you're playing currently, if you've got the time to go through the guide, you might find valuable pieces of info about the basic concepts for the class, and possibly you can adapt it to your own levels. If you skip the introduction, you will be able to see how it works at higher levels.
It's not that it's hard, you just require a lot of patience. If you aren't playing certain classes or builds, you can only pull one mob at time, perfectly from range and then into a safe area in which you don't risk aggroving anything else. Also, you must make sure to use every tool in your class (or by using things such as first aid) to have 100% mana/hp if needed before pulling every single mob just in case that you pull another one , and it causes death. Even though killing one mob could take around a minute it is necessary to auto attack and mostly do not afk as you go because there is no other way to do it, and that is what some people love. This game is extremely slow.
Some will be apprehensive, but the gain is amazing even if you're weak. Beginning with the weakest talents and skills to get some outplay potential helped me tremendously. I quit my first traditional toon, a warlock, after I hit 30or more. I had to drink every time I pulled and was extremely weak. Then I upgraded another one in prepatch and it's an entirely different experience, with
cheap TBC Classic Gold an appropriate build, I don't have to slow down at all and I can pull mobs chain-like without worry about dying.