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So I decided to drive to see if Limsa

  • November 11, 2021
    I was raised on the RP server in WOW Classic TBC Gold WoW so the city being an active place was nothing new to me. FFXIV is a completely different type of role-playing. It's just about people enjoying themselves and having a blast. This is something special.

    A few weeks back I was looking through this sub-forum and found a few articles on limsa Afkers. I decided to go over and explore them since once you reach level 61, the og cities start to appear less and less in the story.

    So I decided to drive to see if Limsa was as well-known as buy WOW TBC Classic Gold the articles claimed it to be. My frames as well as jaw fell. Limsa is the place where I get my frames to below 120. I did not realize how close Limsas Market was, and I often use it for my shopping. In between runs, I am able to sit and unwind listening to bards and conversing about dumb shit today.