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It was released earlier in the month but even its Early

  • Breeze spring
    June 5, 2022
    It was released earlier in the month but even its Early Access version proved this formula is well-received by RPG fans, having been downloaded over 600.000 times through Steam and both of Buy RS Gold the major online mobile apps stores. This went above and beyond the initial goals of Malcolm when he began his journey. Naturally, he believed that his game would be successful but He didn't have an "endgame to think about.

    "Luckily the enthusiasm that was a source of inspiration the early years have stayed with me through the past few years of development. And being the only person to work with Jagex in direct collaboration on this project is an amazing opportunity," he says. "I had no idea that I'd eventually get the backing of the same studio which inspired me in beginning.

    Making the leap from hobbyist to fan project was absolutely terrifying But looking at where I've ended-up, and the help I've received from the beginning of Games by Malcs as an new studio, it's surely worked out for rs gold shop the best."