With the ninth anniversary of
OSRS Gold due on the 22nd of February Developer Jagex has planned an occasion to mark the long-running version. It is notable that the company based the event in the desert city of Al-Kharid which is the entry point to the deeper Kharidian desert.
A major expansion of the desert is at the beginning of 2022, and includes the fabled Raids 3 -- Tombs of Amascut -The Tombs of Amascut - Jagex is likely to view this event as a small indication of what's next in the old version of the MMO.
But for now the players are able to indulge in a weekend of cooking, fishing and good old-fashioned treasure-hunting. Arnav who was waiting at the bank that lies west of the Al-Kharid palace, hid the treasure chest of his somewhere within the city.
In a series of clues that are reminiscent of the clue scroll system, he challenges the player with solving a series of three riddles in order to discover where the chest is. Enter the four statues which guard one of the fountains in the central courtyard of the palace Al-Kharid. Then, dance the emote after which the second hint will reveal itself.
This is anagram referring to Ranael the owner of the plateskirt shop southeast of the palace. She will provide the player with the third and final clue when spoken to. Zeke the salesman selling scimitars located north of the palace. He sells steel, bronze, iron as well as mithril versions from the weapon. If he is approached Zeke, he challenges the buyer with a second challenge which is to count the balloons in and around his home.
Larry is located near an oasis in the northern part of the palace, close to the gate leading to Al-Kharid. Larry oversees the fishing contest and will supply the fisherman with the equipment needed to participate. However, Larry will not inform the participant that nothing can be caught in the oasis. Big Dave, a fellow fisherman in the competition is a proponent of buying special lure for the competition from Ali Morrisane, a merchant located east of oasis.
If asked to about his bait Morrisane will agree to barter in exchange to receive trade reports from spymaster Osman. Take note, however, of Morrisane's three crates surrounding his stand. Osman will use this information to ask a security question.
My Arm the troll is organizing an event and is judging it, in which case he needs things that are "exciting," "exotic," and, very ostensibly, "not boring."
Where the Cook asserts that his pizza was thrilling, but not exotic enough for My Arm's tastes While that the Wise Old Man's fruit was extravagant, but not enough to be fascinating, the only correct course of action for cooking something new and exciting is to mix the two ingredients into a banana-based pizza.
Video game developer Jagex may be known for its massive
Buy OSRS Gold series, however, many may not know that the company has been expanding its services to encompass publishing, and even tabletop gaming.