As players discover the afterlife in
wow tbc classic gold, they'll discover a myriad of treasures within each of the four Covenant home worlds. In most cases, players need to discover a way to find or unlock these hidden treasures. These hidden treasures often come with a name , and they may even be marked in a map for players so that players know that they've got more loot than a typical chest. In Maldraxxus, which is the realm of the Necrolords, players can find one of the hidden chests in an elite-filled cave , known as the Bonebound Chest. Even players who did not opt for the Necrolord Covenant can seek out this hidden treasure chest, but they'll probably have to fight to get it.
The Bonebound Chest's loot tab contains an array of 73 items, of which are exclusive to people who are members of the Necrolord Covenant that can be changed into Anima. There are numerous interesting items that are zone-specific, as as the chance to pick some quest items, armor items and even weapons. The chest has three spots for spawning near the cave's entrances. Here's how to reach the secret Bonebound Chest in Maldraxxus in World of Warcraft Classic TBC.
The Bonebound Chest can be found near at the House of Chosen in southwestern Maldraxxus. Players will need to first find Unfallen's Sanctum. There is a separate area known as Ragebringer Terrace that houses the caves the players need to be able to enter to access the treasure. This Bonebound Chest will appear as an icon on the player's map when it spawns. The players must look at the location of the icon to know exactly which cave entrance they will need to use. The Chest could appear on 30.5. 77.8; 36.3. 81.6; or 40. 74.8.
On the Ragebringer's Terrasse, players will discover three entrances to the caves below House of the Chosen, all with the same entrances. The position for the Chest icon will tell players which entrance to use.From the entry point to the Terrace, if the Chest icon appears on the map located to the east of the Unfallen's Sanctum situated between House of the Chosen and Seat of the Primus, players should take the first entrance on their left. To access the treasure, players must enter the cave and turn left as they approach the Elite Atrok that is formed by the Ashen, hammering on an.
When the Chest icon is visible in the south, close to the Unyielding Assemblyarea, the players should take the second exit to the left. It is accessible by traveling up the ramp and through the archway. The treasure will be found on the right side, just behind the cauldron. Should the Chest icon is visible on the west of House of the Chosen, players should go through the door that is to their right or, the most west. In this location, the treasure will appear within the cave entrance to the left.
Whichever entrance the player chooses to use no matter which entrance is used, there will be some difficult and deadly elites within each zone as well as the ferocious opponents in the Sanctum and Terrace with
cheap wow classic tbc gold. You might want to think about bringing their best healer to succeed in this mission and also equipping their best gear. It's not unusual for players to experience death many times during their journey to find this treasure.