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The cheating Necromancer wasn't found

  • xiuyun hao
    February 5, 2023
    A handful of videos from D2R Items Twitch streamer wudijo appear to provide a powerful cheating strategy played during game in D2R Ladder's mode of PvP 8v8 Battleground. The video clips show an Necromancer identified as Burn employing a cheater which allows them to utilize Bone Spikes ability without a time limit, effectively turning it into a channeled skill which can do huge damage.
    There's no indication as to how the Necromancer can do the trick, but they're able to do it many times, proving that the cheat was executed with intention.

    Twitch streamer wudijo encounters Burn throughout multiple matches on both sides, as their teammate and their opponent. In one scene, the Necromancer can use the cheat to swiftly end the Sacred Guardian or a PvE mob that has to be defeated in order for the team to advance.

    In what would take an additional 30 seconds for wudijo to overcome an opponent, the Necromancer can kill in just 2 seconds. If wudijo is facing the Necromancer as a competitor, wudijo will die just as fast. However, as the cheat has to force the Necromancer to stay stationary in order to be defeated, the team of wudijo is able to kill him in trade.

    The cheating Necromancer wasn't found just in Widijo's matches also. Another person shared a screenshot on Reddit which shows Burn cheating in their PvP match, as well. Although this participant, Burn, has shown they've found a way play around in D2R Ladder. if others are also cheating, there's cheap D2R Ladder Items no evidence provided to the community as of yet.