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The most memorable event of February

  • Donna Stella
    July 6, 2023
    In the world of PC games that never ceases to be a constant Diablo IV Gold . As our virtual universe continues to spin on its literal axis, there's a many exciting things to look forward to in the next year. There's Hogwarts Legacy Starfield, Diablo 4 as well as many others and it's worth putting our minds back to the best PC games from 2022. As Christmas is drawing towards a close and fireworks litter the horizon, we've taken the liberty of collating some of the biggest news events in one place - after all what's not to like more than a bit of nostalgia?

    The most thrilling events to be announced in January was Blizzard's announcement that the creation of a brand-new game to take place in the "all all-new universe" is in development and will add another bow to Diablo's and WoW creator's metaphorical bow. It wasn't the sole one to announce something completely new, though, as Apex Legends creator Respawn Entertainment also revealed that they are working on a triple-A shooter.

    And to top it all off Fans of turn-based strategies were blessed with news of the launch of a new studio, run by the Doom and XCOM developers that have come together to bring even more strategic fun to the ever-expanding genre.

    The most memorable event of February was, of course, Elden Ring. Touted as one of the greatest FromSoftware games ever the RPG game soared to the top of charts, requiring players from all over the world, to save the item that was originally featured. Additionally, Elden Ring, Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG brought ARPG/MMO hybrid Lost Ark to the West after a successful debut in Korea. As server queues grew, and players frequently lost the will to live, the game has blossomed after launch and now features an array of thrilling zones and classes. Dying Light 2 also Diablo 4 buy Gold deserves a quick mention; after all, who doesn't want to be fighting zombies?