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  • January 1, 2023
    After mastering the dream language like my students, you will clearly
    understand what is really causing your depression. The unconscious mind is a
    doctor who gives you explanations and answers, instead of asking you questions
    like ignorant human doctors do.


    Carl Jung was a real genius, but his method of dream interpretation is too
    complicated and obscure. This is why until today it was not recognized as the
    only correct method. My work gives Jung the merit he deserves. He was the only
    one who did manage to discover the mysterious meaning of the symbolic dream
    language. He also discovered the extraordinary healing power of dreams.

    You will immediately understand what is going wrong with your life when you
    translate your dreams. You will also understand what you should do in order to
    overcome your depression.

    The unconscious mind shows you truths you ignore, by analyzing your past and
    your present life. You will be surprised to discover the reason why you are
    suffering today was originated a long time ago. The problems you are facing
    today wouldn't torture you if you had the right attitude. However, you made
    many mistakes for being influenced by your wild nature. You couldn't understand
    what was happening to you. Today you feel the burden of all the mistakes you
    made, and of their consequences.

    You may believe that you didn't make any mistake, but you certainly did. You
    have inherited too much absurdity in your anti-conscience, which is your
    primitive conscience that didn't evolve like your human side. This primitive
    content keeps invading your human conscience and bothering you. You don't have
    the chance to think logically because your conscience is influenced by the craziness
    imposed by your anti-conscience.

    On the other hand, you are ignorant. You may believe that you know many
    things, but you ignore too many things that you should be attending to. The
    unconscious wisdom will show you everything about your inner-self.

    You will also find out how to change your life. This point is basic if you
    want to feel fine. You cannot stop suffering if your life is marked by painful
    situations or bad relationships.