Chenjia Development Of Household Appliances » Discussions

Chenjia Development Of Household Appliances

  • CHENJIA alex
    November 11, 2019
    Home appliance, also called Household Appliance, any of numerous and varied electric, electromechanical, or gas-powered devices introduced mainly in the 20th century to save labour and time in the household. Collectively, their effect on industrial society has been to eliminate the drudgery and drastically reduce the time long associated with housekeeping and homemaking. Home appliances have had little or no effect outside the world’s urban communities, but within these communities they have had a profound, even revolutionary, impact in social and economic terms. These devices have, for example, facilitated the establishment of single-person households; in two-parent families, they have enabled both parents to enter the labour market and have otherwise freed large amounts of time and energy that homemakers formerly devoted to preparing food and to laundering, house cleaning, and general housework. Hence, a further result has been the greatly diminished employment of persons engaged in domestic service. The trend toward using automatic and powered household implements to ease basic housekeeping chores, once established, soon extended into such additional fields as personal hygiene and grooming.

    If you want to know more about different household appliances, please contact CHENJIA Electric. We offer the highest quality household appliances.