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4 reasons for incompatibility in bed.
It is quite difficult for a woman to find such a partner so that he suits her in all respects. Sexual compatibility can be understood as an ideal sexual act, the presence of satisfaction or orgasm. One of the most common reasons for divorce is the lack of compatibility in bed. This phenomenon can be influenced by many factors.
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1. Different temperaments.
Sexual compatibility is based on mutual desire, so one of the main reasons for its absence is the difference of temperaments. A woman can be ready for sexual contacts every day, a man is hampered by physical fatigue, or everything can be the other way around. Compatibility can also be affected by biorhythms, the so-called "owls" and "larks". The "owls" have sexual activity at night, and in the morning they are not averse to sleeping longer. On the contrary, larks have a peak of activity in the morning, and in the evening or at night they are sluggish and sleepy.
2. Psychological reasons.
Often incompatibility is determined by psychological reasons. As a rule, men are more relaxed in bed, and women suffer from a number of complexes due to their figure, appearance, and so on, which can contribute to insecurity and tightness. This leads to the fact that women do not allow men everything they secretly fantasize about. A man is sometimes forced to seek solace on the side.
3. The difference of physiology.
The age difference may have an impact. For example, if a man is older than a woman, he cannot fully satisfy her, since they have different needs in the frequency of sexual acts. There are problems of differences in the structure of the genitals – for example, a woman has a too narrow vagina. This can cause discomfort and inconvenience. Fortunately, the partners gradually get used to each other and these differences are smoothed out. A common problem is a temporary discrepancy. A man sometimes finishes the act before a woman reaches satisfaction, which cannot favor pleasure.
4. Experience.
Of course, if we are talking about a man, then it's understandable. They are usually more experienced than women. Everything can be taught, but often not everyone has the patience for it. We need to adjust to each other and gradually the sex life will get better.
Summing up all of the above, we can say that there is a way out of any situation. It is necessary to talk frankly with your partner, and try to come to a consensus. The main reasons for incompatibility are the lack of feelings, claims to a partner, inability to listen to each other.