Где можно найти качественное оборудование для испытаний на воспламеняемость?
Качественное оборудование для испытаний на воспламеняемость важно для компаний и лабораторий, поскольку оно может предоставить точные результаты испытаний и меры по обеспечени...
Textiles are usually exposed to light during use, which can destroy dyes and cause "fading", discoloring colored textiles, generally lighter and darker. Is there any way to simulate sun exposure? The answer is yes, that is to use a xenon lamp aging test c...
La chambre d'essai de vieillissement à l'ozone pour caoutchouc est générée par un générateur d'ozone pour produire une forte concentration d'ozone, peut être utilisée pour les matériaux non métalliques, les matériaux organiques (peinture, caoutchouc, plas...
Ultraviolet rays are divided into three types: "UVA", "UVB" and "UVC". Among them, UVA and UVB can reach the ground, while UVC is absorbed by the ozone layer and cannot reach.
The ozone aging tester is also called the ozone aging test box. When using the ozone test box, in addition to our own safety issues, we also need to pay attention to some protection issues of the equipment. Only by properly maintaining and operating the e...
Textiles are the closest thing to our body, and our clothes are made of textile fabrics. For each different textile article, there is a set of testing methods, which can test the performance of different fabrics.