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Get the Best C-UAS Systems for Prisons from NovoQuad Group

NovoQuad . 14 December 24, 2024

Prisons indeed have effective security systems in place. However, owing to their small size, modern drones can easily bypass physical boundaries without being visible to the naked eye. As a result, they serve as a tool for illegal surveillance and contraband delivery. That is why the reliance on prison anti drone solutions is on the rise. NovoQuad Group emerges as a leading supplier of the best counter-unmanned aerial system for correctional facilities at competitive prices.


WILMINGTON, Del. - Dec. 25, 2024:

Prisons continue to experience significant challenges due to the misuse of drone technology. So, an anti-drone system proves to be crucial for maintaining the highest security standards. NovoQuad Group is a top-rated company that specializes in the delivery of advanced drone defense solutions. The firm is dedicated to equipping prisons and other critical facilities with comprehensive C-UAS systems to deter potential drone threats and improve airspace security.


According to a key spokesperson of the firm, “NovoQuad Group is well aware of the evolving drone defense needs of the correctional facilities. Our drone tracking system is designed with state-of-the-art algorithms and advanced technologies to quickly detect illegal UAVs flying in the restricted airspace of prisons. On the other hand, our drone jammer comes with exceptional capabilities for precise jamming without any collateral damage.”


NovoQuad Group has a technology research team focused on the continuous improvement of their product. The core aim is to deliver advanced counter-drone systems to counter the evolving UAV threats and remain at the forefront of innovation.


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