methylation and found that relative to a control that the injected animals can for I can do this little object recognition task really fine there these are above as good as it gets so but if they don't have the compound these older animals can't really...أكثر منmethylation and found that relative to a control that the injected animals can for I can do this little object recognition task really fine there these are above as good as it gets so but if they don't have the compound these older animals can't really do the task these are 18 to 20 month old mice and that's their really you know they only live for another half a year so these are really old mice but the fact that they can be restored is is exciting news indeed okay so it restores of cognitive performance also in a trance in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease which is this 5x you know Alzheimer's disease Mouse
methylation and found that relative to a control that the injected animals can for I can do this little object recognition task really fine there these are above as good as it gets so but if they don't have the compound these older animals can't really do the task these are 18 to 20 month old mice and that's their really you know they only live for another half a year so these are really old mice but the fact that they can be restored is is exciting news indeed okay so it restores of cognitive performance also in a trance in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease which is this 5x you know Alzheimer's disease Mouse