Photo 163 of 444 in Wall Photos

Installing artificial turf in your backyard is a great way to create a low-maintenance and visually appealing outdoor space.Go-Turf provides step-by-step instructions on How to Install Artificial Turf in Backyard, visit the Go-Turf website for comprehensive instructions. Begin by measuring the area and ordering the appropriate amount of turf. Prepare the ground by removing any existing grass or debris and ensuring the soil is level and compact. Install a weed barrier and edging to create a clean border. Lay down a base layer of crushed stone or sand and compact it thoroughly. Unroll the turf carefully, ensuring it fits snugly and any seams are properly joined. Finally, secure the turf with nails or adhesive, and brush it to fluff up the fibers for a natural look. Visit go-turf for more detailed instructions and tips.

Wilburs Williams's Album: Wall Photos