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best neurologist in sarojini nagar
Dr Aparna Gupta is a consultant neurologist at the Indian Spinal Injury Centre. in Vasantkunj & at Good Health Care Centre in Safdarjang. Delhi. She provides treatment for a wide range of neurological disorders such as stroke. epilepsy -headache movement disorders- dementia- peripheral neuropathy- Parkinsons disease-sleep disorder and many more. Before handling patients at Indian Spinal Injury Centre- she was associated with esteemed Sir Ganga Ram Hospital where she was a Senior Resident in the Dept. of Cardiology and Neurology.While pursuing MD (Medicine) and DNB (Neurology). her thesis was rightfully applauded. She stood 1st in Anatomy- Forensic Medicine, 2nd in Physiology and was adjudged 3rd in overall performance at the university. She is actively involved in organizing various neurological workshops and conferences in both India and abroad. Being a member of Indian Academy of Neurology, Indian Epilepsy Society and Indian Medical Association, she is very well respected for her contributions.

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