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Leukemia is a cancer of blood cells. Leukemia happens when there is a problem with the production of blood cells. In leukemia, abnormal blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. Leukemia usually affects white blood cells (WBC) or leukocytes. White blood cells are responsible for fighting infection however abnormal WBCs do not function in the same way as normal WBC. In leukemia, abnormal white blood cells continually divide and grow which eventually crowd out normal blood cells. Because of this, it becomes difficult for the body to fight infection, transport oxygen, and control bleeding. There are different types of leukemia:

Acute leukemia: It develops rapidly, and a large number of leukemia cells accumulate very quickly in the blood and bone marrow. This kind of leukemia requires aggressive and fast treatment. Symptoms of acute leukemia are susceptibility to infections, easy bruising, tiredness, etc.
Chronic leukemia: It develops slowly, so initially it may not cause specific symptoms. But if it is left untreated, it grows and shows signs like acute leukemia.

Leukemia is cancer in the blood-forming tissues of the body. It can even be found in the bone marrow or the lymphatic system. It often involves white blood cells. In the bone marrow, it produces abnormal white blood cells which do not function properly and can be dangerous to the body.

Leukemia does not produce any apparent symptoms at an early stage. Sometimes these symptoms are those of common illness. One of the symptoms is anemia. Anemia occurs when there is a shortage of red blood cells in the body. What usually is a sign of leukemia, especially if you have pale skin or headaches because of it. Patients with leukemia also tend to be prone to get infections very fast, and this is mostly because of the high level of white blood cells present in the body. Other symptoms include bone or joint pain. Even your body swells because various parts of your body are affected by it. Another sign of leukemia is a sudden loss of appetite, which causes damage. There is also a tendency to bruise or bleed easily, including bleeding from the gums or nose, or blood in the stool or urine.

Sign and symptoms of leukemia depend on its type. Some of the most common symptoms of leukemia are:

Persistence fatigue
Frequent and severe infection
Joint pain
Unexplained weight loss
Heavy sweating especially in the night
Swollen lymph nodes, usually painless
Red spots on the skin
Abdominal pain or swelling because of enlargement of the liver or spleen

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