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Current Market Trends for Crude Glycerin Export

With an increasing global demand for biodiesel, industrial application, and biofuel applications, the international export market in crude glycerin is going upwards. Widely used byproducts of crude glycerin obtained from the biodiesel processing have found ready market acceptance mainly as a material used in generating biogas as well as serving as energy supply in feed animals.

China, India, and the EU are the main importers. Crude glycerin is used as a source of sustainable fuel alternatives and industrial chemicals. It is also used in paints, resins, detergents, and antifreeze. The major exporters are Brazil, Argentina, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Global prices vary according to the production level of biodiesel and transportation costs.

As efforts in sustainability improve and purification technologies continue advancing, it is predicted that Cude Glycerin export will increase in even higher margins for business opportunities related to biodiesel and chemical manufacturing.

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