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It's beyond time to enhance the Super Bowl video game

  • October 8, 2021
    Franchises not managed by players might make bizarre decisions regarding who to deal with and who to Mut 22 coins sign throughout and between seasons. Although this could have advantages for the player, it does make it less realistic the game being a true simulation. A more intelligent AI could make a difference.

    In terms of presentation, and as per Madden fans, EA has not done an excellent job of giving players an opportunity to modify the setting of the game and making the games appear more realistic even with better graphics.

    The sidelines appear at times a little ridiculous with oddly formed football pads going through the same three or four animations, over and over. The crowd has the same habit of acting the same consistently. It would be interesting to see the crowd move around more in the stadium to at the very minimum create movement.

    It's beyond time to enhance the Super Bowl video game. Although the announcers are trying to make the game more exciting by showing how important the juggernaut match is in the pregame, the actual game never really feels like a Super Bowl. The absence of professional-quality presentation and some of the Super Bowl aesthetics like the patches and logo leaving some things to be desired make the game feel like an exhibition game instead of one of the most important matches of the player's life.

    One of the most fascinating features added to the Madden games in recent years is the story mode, Face of cheap Madden 22 coins the Franchise. Although the game has offered some interesting ideas over the years, it's still working to reach the full potential of this game.