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It can be used in PvM scenarios

  • August 8, 2021
    A member who finds that the cockroach soldiers provide really good drops, isn't considered an F2P drop. That's a P2P Drop. A lot of RuneScape Gold people recommend level 82 Lesser Demons (in the volcano, Karamja Island). They proudly boast about the rune-medium helmets they've gotten as drops.

    I've gotten a rune medium helm from a Lesser Demon drop, but I wouldn't recommend the level 82 Lesser Demons as giving the most valuable F2P drops. The Barbarian Village Dungeon (Stronghold of Security) has level 75 ankous, which I believe gives me the most valuable loot.

    Ankous drops law runes. While there's no rune medium helmet, it is the most important loot. Rune item drops from Lesser Demons are very rare. However, ankous can drop good items.As you may know, Jagex does plan to eventually make available all armour and weapons in Dragon in the near future. This discussion is just to discuss what you think they could look like and what their special attack might be.

    The first thing to do is provide an inventory of all the games that haven't been yet released, in terms of melee: Warhammer, Short Sword, Hasta, Kiteshield. Wow, that's an even shorter list than I expected at first:box: Let me know if anything is missing.

    The war-hammer could be launched alongside a brand new Dwarf quest or zone, or maybe Fremmenik. Its special attack would be a useful weapon in 2007 RS Items PvP situations such as Clan Wars or Bounty worlds. I believe that plate armour has less resiliency to strikes that crush, so the war-hammer can serve as a crush weapon. It could be a less powerful, less-degrading version Statius’s warhammer. It can be used in PvM scenarios.