All diabetics need to monitor their blood glucose, that is for sure. Doing
Phytage Labs Gluco Type 2 Review it several times a day is essential in order to check the effect of food, exercise and medication. For those who take insulin, it is important to do the test to make sure the blood glucose does not go down dangerously low. That is why it is important to do blood sugar testing. When treating diabetes, it is very important to reduce your blood sugar level. The article deals with natural remedies to reduce blood sugar concentration.
Common nettle possesses great variety of healing properties, including ability to reduce blood sugar level. Therefore, diabetics should use common nettle as often as possible. You can drink a decoction and tea of herbs of common nettle, but the best of all ways to use it relates to consumption of fresh nettle. Make a decoction of herbs of common bistort root. Drink a tablespoon of the decoction once a day.
Purslane seed and tops are great remedies to treat diabetes unless you suffer from high blood pressure. If you suffer from hypertension, you should avoid using the herb. For instance, you can prepare a decoction of purslane tops. Infuse a tablespoon of the herbs with a glass of water and boil the tincture for 10 minutes. Afterwards, leave the decoction to brew for 2 hours and take 1-2 tablespoons of it 3-4 times a day. The herb not only reduces blood sugar level, but also possesses other healing qualities.