World of Warcraft offers thousands of Epic items for players to loot. While most of the high-end gear is obtained from Raids and Dungeons and binds to the player upon pick-up, there are some extremely rare and valuable items that can be traded, and hence, it's possible to estimate their value in in-game Gold. Have you ever wondered, what are the most expensive Items in WoW Classic and how to obtain them? In this article, we will present ten most expensive Items in Vanilla WoW, and give you detailed information on where to find them. Keep in mind that some of those items will either take thousands of hours to farm or getting them will be on a 40-man Raid difficulty level. Finding any of the items below will either make you rich or at least make thousands of players envy you when you cross paths in Azeroth. Furthermore, a bunch of the listed Items are BiS or BiS Twink items and have been included in our comprehensive list of all the Best BoE Items in WoW Classic. To get more news about
Buy WoW Gold Classic, you can visit lootwowgold news official website.
We have also added estimated market value and drop rates for each item. Prices may vary depending on the server, and will most likely change over time, however, we will try to keep it up to date with weekly updates! Hand of Edward the Odd is among the best BoE Spell Caster Weapons available currently in Classic WoW. It grants a chance on hit to make your next Spell Cast instant.
This ability is extremely powerful for Spells with a high cast time, and in order to not make this item overpowered, the chance has been set to approximately 3%Where to find Hand of Edward the Odd? - this weapon is a random world drop, so farming Elites in Scholomance, Stratholme, Blackrock Spire, and Molten Core will be your best bet. On top of being very rare, you will usually have to roll for it with other party members, greatly reducing the chances of getting it even after it drops, hence the actual market value being so highThe Eye of Shadow is a Epic Trinket which is part of the Epic Priest Staff Quest called Balance of Light and Shadow.
The Staff; Benediction, is one of the best weapons for Holy Priests, and since it's very hard to farm for it solo, the price can reach very high levelsWhere to find The Eye of Shadow? - this Trinket drops from Elites in Winterspring and Blasted Lands. It can be also looted from Lord Kazzak - a world Boss who resides in the Tainted Scar part of the Blasted Lands area. Lord Kazzak offers the highest drop chance, but defeating him requires approximately 30-man group which should have a composition of a typical Raid Group