Coffee, a very popular drink with its distinctive flavor and aroma. Including properties to help stimulate the body to feel energized But the caffeine content of drinking too much coffee can have a negative impact on the body.Decaff or low caffeine coffee may be another option for those looking to limit their caffeine intake. This article has gathered some interesting facts about decaf, a new option for coffee lovers.
Decaf stands for decafeiented or decaf coffee, used to call for coffee that has been processed to remove the caffeine down to a small amount This may be an alternative to those who like coffee but want to control the caffeine content.
slotxo Like patients with certain underlying diseases Including those who drink several cups of coffee a day To be able to enjoy the taste of coffee
How is decaf coffee different from regular coffee?Low-caffeine coffee processed with caffeine extraction. Which reduces the amount of caffeine by up to 97 percent, if compared A 12-ounce serving of regular coffee has about 180 milligrams of caffeine, but if it's decaf The caffeine content is about 5.4 milligrams only. However, extracting caffeine not only reduces the caffeine content. But it also degrades other beneficial nutrients as well. In terms of taste, aroma or color, the coffee may be slightly altered, such as a weaker taste or intensity. Color difference from the original, etc. The change in taste or aroma of coffee may depend on the caffeine extraction process.
Is Decaffeinated Coffee Really Better Than Regular Coffee?Un-decaffeinated coffee may provide a greater benefit to consumers than decaffeinated coffee. This is because coffee is generally rich in nutrients and antioxidants that are believed to help the body function. Helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Type 2 diabetes, cirrhosis, Parkinson's disease And many types of cancer. In addition, the caffeine in coffee helps the brain clear and alert. Emotional balance Increase memory ability Stimulate the body's metabolism And reduce the risk of depression
However, for consumers with underlying disease or medical conditions who need to control their caffeine intake Decaffeinated coffee can be an alternative to coffee.
Who is there to drink decaf coffee instead of regular coffee?Your doctor may advise people in the following risk groups to stay away, control, or opt for low-caffeine coffee instead of regular coffee.
People with underlying disease
This is because caffeine may provoke a relapse or worsen symptoms. By diseases or disorders that should avoid or reduce caffeine, such as sleep disorders. Migraine or other chronic headache, anxiety disorder, GERD. Arrhythmia Irregular heartbeat High blood pressure And people with stomach ulcers, etc.
People who are taking medicine
Caffeine and certain medicines may interact with each other. This may cause side effects or make the drug not fully effective. Especially the group of stimulant drugs that accelerate the activity of the nervous system Antibiotic group And anticoagulants
Children and pregnant women
Babies, children, and pregnant women should limit their coffee intake or exposure to different forms of caffeine, as they can affect the child or the unborn child, causing complications from caffeine during pregnancy.This also includes you. Mothers who are breastfeeding because caffeine can enter the bloodstream and pass milk to the baby.
However, even decaf coffee has a very low caffeine content. However, it can be dangerous if the body is not readily available or sensitive to caffeine, so be sure to discuss the possible risks with your doctor.
Is Decaffeinated Coffee Safe?Decaffeinated coffee and regular coffee have the same caffeine. But the caffeine content in decaf coffee is much lower. The effects that may be obtained from drinking are reduced as well. Either regular coffee or low-caffeine coffee, if eaten in moderation, is safe for the body. On the other hand, eating too much can be dangerous. As for the amount, the excessive herein may vary from person to person. Especially in people who are sensitive to caffeine.There is also some research showing that caffeine may increase the risk of insomnia, anxiety disorders, and may cause side effects such as headache, dizziness and restlessness. Or trembling after drinking coffee
In addition, to get the most from your coffee consumption, you should avoid adding sugar or creamer. This can increase the risk of obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypoglycemia, and other diseases.
Finally, the average person should get no more than 300 milligrams of caffeine per day. Or equivalent to 1-2 regular coffee cups, with a cup of coffee may contain about 150 milligrams of caffeine, but it may vary depending on the type of coffee. Production and brewing methods