I've had several instances where a participant has been afk the whole game of One Card, and also a few games where all 3 of my competitions were afk. This drags on the game much too long and frequently times the game just stops. No cards are played by anybody and the only way to play another game would be to stop and receive a 10 minute ban for "cheating". There are many other games offering this feature, I think it would be of much help in Star Earth. There obviously could be people who abuse
maplestory mobile mesos this, but I find it doing far more good than bad.
It happens when someone selects a colour (after playing a Colour Change or Irena card) too slow. And when that occurs, the last thing you should do is stop. The sport out time, 11 minutes after the cards have been dealt, and you will receive points as for a maximum-length game.
If you quit you get no points and can't play for 10 minutes anyway, so you are better off staying in the game and hoping everyone else does also. Since if one person quits, the sport gets partly unstuck: players still can not click their cards but turns do move from one to another and also the AI plays for everybody. And in
buy Maple M Mesos the end (which generally happens in the identical 11-minute timeout) the match punishes everybody for "AFK'ing" because they did not play their cards and let the AI do it for them...
As for out voting people: no.It would indicate that anyone who is down to one card could
get kicked out by another three, who might not be friends but are all in agreement that they don't need him winning.As Loonacm explained, the match itself should be stricter with AFK'ers. So, it should just kick them out, rather than continuing to play for them after waiting their ends out.BTW, in my experience, there are not that many AFK'ers. A great deal of botters, but the bots do perform, so that they are much less of a nuisance. Nobody gains anything from truly AFK'ing, therefore individuals don't do this on purpose anymore.
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