The University of Texas at Dallas seized a rare opportunity to create a next-gen research facility in concert with a burgeoning engineering program. The university used the building project as an opportunity to facilitate a new curriculum structure with the goal of attracting more top-tier students, researchers and faculty.To get more news about
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Traditional classroom and lab environments are replaced with accessible, interactive workspaces to immerse students in hands-on learning from day one. All labs and classrooms feature completely transparent fronts, providing uninhibited views to the research and learning activities within. New maker spaces and flexible, active-learning environments empower collaborative learning, encouraging team-based problem-solving, engaging students while helping to build peer connections. Maker spaces are complemented by a rich variety of collaboration nodes throughout the building providing comfortable drop space between classes or meeting rooms for group study.
The building is designed as a teaching tool itself, where exposed and color-coded building systems demonstrate how its engineering functions. Perforated metal ceilings with illuminated plenums allow students to trace systems within corridors and glass encased shafts provide visual access into exhaust ductwork and elevator mechanics
The facility is designed to adapt to rapid changes in technologies and shifts in research. The mix of high-bay, wet and dry labs support the three areas of specialty research—energy, robotics and nano-biotechnology. All are contained in a highly adaptable chassis that anticipate change and are column- and obstruction-free for ultimate flexibility.