Having over abundant DHT in the body causes thinning hair.
Xcellerate Hair Growth Review Dihydrotestosterone is the culprit for hair growing thinly and weakly in males. It is the main cause of balding that happens to people. But, balding stems from many other factors like health issues or stress, even the medication you may be taking. If it becomes a concern, check with your doctor.
Now that you know what causes balding, we should consider some myths. Tanning, wearing hats, sunbathing, and using varying kinds of hair products does not cause balding in any form. Nothing firm has been proven to ever cause balding.
Sometimes balding causes a man to change how he feels about how he looks and even himself. Many men think they are not as attractive when they have less hair. Some men take balding easily and just allow it to happen. The truth is that the reaction depends on the person, but your balding doesn't influence the opinions of other people about who you are as an individual.