Drinks prepared with fruits can help us boost our defenses and also improve our physical performance. However, it is necessary to take caution if we have conditions such as diabetes, since fruits when processed into juices become sweeter and difficult to process and blood glucose levels can rise.
Citrus properties
The citrus fruits that make up this juice are an important source of Vitamin C, and are extraordinary antioxidants. They help to strengthen the immune system and it is essential to include them in the daily diet.
Grapefruit, orange, mandarin and lemon among others, are not exactly the only fruits that provide more vitamin C, since they are surpassed by kiwi and strawberry, but they are interesting, for their antioxidant power and for helping to prevent a large number of diseases of the respiratory system.
Citrus fruits have a positive impact on cholesterol metabolism and prevent many skin diseases, in addition, given their large amount of fiber, they favor intestinal activity and therefore digestion.
Vitamin C is involved in a host of vital processes such as bone, gum and tooth development, iron absorption, tissue growth and repair, as well as fat metabolism, collagen production, and wound healing.
The intake of Vitamin C should not be indiscriminate; experts recommend a daily dose of vitamin C of about 60 milligrams for adults - an orange or a little more than half a glass of citrus fruit juice - and slightly less for children.
Those who need to take a greater amount of Vitamin C include pregnant and lactating women, and people who smoke; a deficient level of Vitamin C could lead to an organism that is not resistant to infection, bleeding and sensitive gums, as well as hair and tooth loss and dry skin.
Super Vitamin C Juice
For all this, it would be a good option to include a juice with vitamin C that will help you boost your defenses.
Extract all the juices from the citrus fruits, grind the kiwi in them along with the ginger. You can grate the ginger and mix it with the juices.
Remember to take it immediately after doing it. This will give your immune system a boost with vitamin C, in the form of a tasty citrus juice and your body will thank you.
With this amount of fruits that are mentioned, about 4 cups of juice are made.
If you have diabetes, you may be wondering (or, have wondered at some point) what your blood glucose (sugar) “should” be. Hopefully your doctor, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant or whoever diagnosed you has given you answers to that question. Unfortunately, though, not everyone is given glucose goals. Or in some cases, it may have been a long time ago, and they’ve since been forgotten.