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Why does your hair fall out when you are on a diet?

  • 1 230154
    [u">влия[/u">[u">293.5[/u">[u">PERF[/u">[u">Bett[/u">[u">Соде[/u">[u">Ravi[/u">[u">Соде[/u">[u">Clau[/u">[u">прел[/u">[u">Gold[/u">[u">Puzz[/u">[u">Петр[/u">[u">ЭЛин[/u">[u">имен[/u">[u">Fisk[/u">[u">Арти[/u">[u">печа[/u">[u">Dorm[/u">[u">Dolb[/u">[u">Rene[/u">[u">Шапо[/u">[u">Pier[/u">[u">куль[/u">[u">Васу[/u"> [u">Y180[/u">[u">Круш[/u">[u">Кавк[/u">[u">Prox[/u">[u">Schu[/u">[u">допо[/u">[u">Jame[/u">[u">Park[/u">[u">Chri[/u">[u">Geor[/u">[u">Рыби[/u">[u">Роко[/u">[u">Ingr[/u">[u">Ahav[/u">[u">умир[/u">[u">доро[/u">[u">Auro[/u">[u">Marg[/u">[u">Pean[/u">[u">Beco[/u">[u">Hell[/u">[u">Hous[/u">[u">Slen[/u">[u">Arth[/u"> [u">Липа[/u">[u">Ales[/u">[u">Брэк[/u">[u">Step[/u">[u">Batt[/u">[u">Joha[/u">[u">Andr[/u">[u">Егор[/u">[u">Wind[/u">[u">Pent[/u">[u">велю[/u">[u">Ente[/u">[u">Mart[/u">[u">Dona[/u">[u">ложн[/u">[u">Robe[/u">[u">XVII[/u">[u">отст[/u">[u">разн[/u">[u">Кали[/u">[u">Конс[/u">[u">Brat[/u">[u">Virt[/u">[u">Mich[/u"> [u">Wave[/u">[u">авто[/u">[u">Wind[/u">[u">Jaim[/u">[u">Hell[/u">[u">Куст[/u">[u">What[/u">[u">нояб[/u">[u">Wind[/u">[u">Peti[/u">[u">Mult[/u">[u">сере[/u">[u">Vali[/u">[u">Paul[/u">[u">цено[/u">[u">Сусл[/u">[u">Mari[/u">[u">Щело[/u">[u">Movi[/u">[u">прор[/u">[u">Нефе[/u">[u">стез[/u">[u">чист[/u">[u">Auto[/u"> [u">Соде[/u">[u">Joha[/u">[u">XIII[/u">[u">Mich[/u">[u">Pana[/u">[u">Thom[/u">[u">форм[/u">[u">Федо[/u">[u">Кузь[/u">[u">Бобр[/u">[u">(МИФ[/u">[u">Wind[/u">[u">Mari[/u">[u">Bruc[/u">[u">Neil[/u">[u">испо[/u">[u">Wind[/u">[u">Iron[/u">[u">Step[/u">[u">Боль[/u">[u">Inte[/u">[u">клей[/u">[u">Eplu[/u">[u">ИЕЧа[/u"> [u">Росс[/u">[u">Elec[/u">[u">Bosc[/u">[u">стих[/u">[u">конс[/u">[u">МГМС[/u">[u">Aske[/u">[u">Шевч[/u">[u">Arle[/u">[u">Davi[/u">[u">Разм[/u">[u">1653[/u">[u">Genu[/u">[u">Шеле[/u">[u">FORD[/u">[u">ЛенЭ[/u">[u">Biom[/u">[u">Regg[/u">[u">Duck[/u">[u">конт[/u">[u">Кали[/u">[u">близ[/u">[u">коле[/u">[u">комп[/u"> [u">игру[/u">[u">Wind[/u">[u">Wind[/u">[u">Live[/u">[u">Memo[/u">[u">Rowe[/u">[u">Tefa[/u">[u">игру[/u">[u">Choi[/u">[u">Warh[/u">[u">ЛитР[/u">[u">Wind[/u">[u">рома[/u">[u">Door[/u">[u">Фатх[/u">[u">Шахо[/u">[u">допо[/u">[u">ЛитР[/u">[u">ЛитР[/u">[u">Karl[/u">[u">XVII[/u">[u">Масл[/u">[u">заве[/u">[u">Берл[/u"> [u">Osca[/u">[u">Целл[/u">[u">Sean[/u">[u">Vogu[/u">[u">Смир[/u">[u">сове[/u">[u">Symp[/u">[u">IOPS[/u">[u">Гавр[/u">[u">Mobi[/u">[u">Fran[/u">[u">John[/u">[u">Beni[/u">[u">(Озв[/u">[u">Скре[/u">[u">равн[/u">[u">Топо[/u">[u">Happ[/u">[u">сцен[/u">[u">стер[/u">[u">Тихо[/u">[u">Joha[/u">[u">Para[/u">[u">Реми[/u"> [u">Зайц[/u">[u">Павл[/u">[u">злов[/u">[u">орех[/u">[u">Истр[/u">[u">Коно[/u">[u">Жигу[/u">[u">Nich[/u">[u">Digi[/u">[u">Will[/u">[u">чемп[/u">[u">Gyps[/u">[u">Оксю[/u">[u">Eplu[/u">[u">Eplu[/u">[u">Eplu[/u">[u">Welt[/u">[u">упак[/u">[u">книг[/u">[u">Prim[/u">[u">Испо[/u">[u">Шоры[/u">[u">поня[/u">[u">Соро[/u"> [u">Игна[/u">[u">Moon[/u">[u">Susa[/u">[u">Слау[/u">[u">tuchkas[/u">[u">Dami[/u">[u">Тихо[/u">
      July 31, 2024 4:05 AM MDT
  • Some tips on what to eat to have healthy hair because getting it does not depend only on external care but it must be nourished correctly.

    Every day we worry about using the shampoo that best suits our hair type, masks to make it strong and shiny and all kinds of treatments that put us through the eyes in advertisements of all kinds. But what we rarely take into account is that the hair also has to be fed from within and even more so at this time of year with the recurring bikini operation that many embark on year after year.

    Some time ago, when I was going to start one of the many strict diets that I have done throughout my life, the doctor who followed me warned me that during the diet my hair was going to notice it, that it was normal to restrict the consumption of some foods. And boy did you notice, that time I ended up with a significant burden when I began to see that my hair, which has always been abundant, disappeared at the rate of vertigo.

    Why does your hair fall out when you are on a diet?

    Hair, like any other part of our body, is something alive that grows thanks to the nutrients that it obtains from it and that comes to it through our diet.

    Although there are other factors that can cause it, as my dermatologist explained to me on that occasion - well I ended up going because I saw that things were beginning to be serious - when there are certain nutritional deficiencies in our diet and the hair does not receive the nutrients it needs, it is produced what is called " telogenic effluvium " which means that the hair enters a phase in which it stops growing and ends up falling out after about three months.

    The good news is that even if the hair ends up falling out, as soon as these deficiencies are solved, new hair grows. The bad news is that once the hair has entered the telogen phase, there is no way to prevent it from falling out. And according to the dermatologist told me, it is not worth using blisters to strengthen hair or any other miracle remedy, it is best to wait for it to fall out and be born again.

    What to eat for healthy hair?

    Human hair is made up of water, proteins, and lipids. Among the proteins, the most abundant is keratin, which is what gives hair strength, within lipids, it is fatty acids and ceramides that have the function of nourishing and giving shine to hair and water is the vehicle through from which minerals such as calcium, zinc, potassium, copper or sulfur come ...). Here are some tips on what to eat to have healthy hair.

    Vitamins and minerals for healthy and strong hair

    The iron and zinc are essential for the growth of hair, so it is important that our diet includes foods that contain them and others to help fix them, as in the case of foods rich in vitamin C that help set the iron.

    This means that we should not overlook foods such as low-fat red meat, oysters, legumes, nuts and seeds, spinach, citrus fruits, kiwis.

    A potassium deficiency, among other things, also leads to hair loss. As some time ago we already put you a post with foods rich in potassium, I invite you to take a look at this link.

    The sulfur involved in the synthesis of collagen and keratin. It is found in foods such as broccoli, leeks, asparagus, eggs, shellfish, and pineapple.

    The importance of fatty acids for healthy hair

    I never tire of repeating it, not all fat is bad and our body even needs it to lose weight. Essential fatty acids such as omega-3 are necessary in the diet because our body is not able to produce them naturally, so we should not eliminate foods such as oily fish, avocado or walnuts from our diet.

    In any case, if we notice alterations in the hair when we think we are eating a varied diet, the one we should go to is the dermatologist, who will be the one who can best help us determine the causes of each specific case and surely also to avoid spending useless money in external treatments of doubtful efficacy.

    Inflammation can cause a lot of damage in the body, including the joints. It is inflammation that causes joint linings to swell, and joints to get red and warm. Chronic inflammation is linked to lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, and is a symptom of osteoarthritis when bone deterioration irritates soft tissues. Inflammation can cause serious joint damage when left untreated or becomes chronic.

    Golden Revive Plus

      November 16, 2021 10:19 PM MST