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안전놀이터순위 Choo Sung-hoon, a former strongest judo player in Asia in the 2000s, had a splendid heyday in the middleweight world, becoming the K-1 Hero's champion even after switching to mixed martial arts.
안전놀이터 "Please give me a new opponent quickly," he publicly demanded. The One Championship presented a match against Aoki, who has been in conflict since 2008, drawing an agreement between the two sides.
먹튀검증커뮤니티 When he failed to participate in mixed martial arts in 2021, Choo Sung-hoon said as soon as the new year came, "I will regain my fighting spirit during the 'inducing monster of rebel temperament,'
먹튀검증 They will compete as mixed martial arts lightweights at the One Championship 197 in Singapore on the 26th. Choo Sung-hoon decided to fight former lightweight champion Edward Polaryang through
안전놀이터 Choo Sung-hoon, who entered his late 40s, will return to his original intention and face Aoki Shinya at the Asian martial arts group One Championship. Shinya Aoki, a world-class powerhouse in the late