It’s always exciting to see what new things designers have come up with for every season. But not so exciting? Prada’s new Spring 2010 handbag collection. Sad to say that the new Spring 2010 season isn’t giving me the “O” face as it should be. First the March Jacob line
High Quality Gucci Replica Bags , now Prada; I wonder who’s next. I have never really particularly liked Prada bags in the sense that they are either too simple or too extravagant for my taste. This new line however just gives me the ‘ew’ factor. Not to be mean, but would you look at the clear vinyl bags they have for the new season? First, I don’t know how this could be the new ‘in’ thing when clear vinyl was a quick passing trend back in the day. Second, just because they add the Prada logo and the crystal rock closure on top does not justify them to mark up the price (assuming that these bags will sell for +$500). Isn’t the clear vinyl over and
High Quality Hermes Replica Bags , dead? It feels like a violation of privacy to carry a clear bag for everyone to see what you carry in it. Women’s handbags have sort of become this mystery (especially to men) of what we carry in it, and it should remain that way for good reason. As many people say, we do not need the whole world to see that we’re carrying tampons on our bag. And to make matters worse, now people can easily locate your wallet if they were even planning on stealing from your bag! I’m highly disappointed. And I wonder how much these bags will sell for. I just got word from RIONI that they will be launching another new collection sometime this month. The name of this new collection from RIONI is called: “Medley”. Here are a few things that I heard about the new collection.- The RIONI Medley will consist of two colors: grey and cream.- The RIONI Medley (grey) handbags will be flexible soft-shaped handbags.- The RIONI Medley (cream) handbags will be firm like the RIONI Signature handbags.- RIONI also mentioned that many of their Vendors have already preordered these handbags. The RIONI Medley first shipment in April 2010 is expected to sell out upon release.What do I think about this new collection? Well
Cheap Prada Replica Bags , I rather not make biased opinions and let our viewers be the judge of this one.You should be able to see the RIONI Medley designer handbags at RIONI.COM by the end of April 2010.