Have you called miele to get the cost of the parts and potentially the labor to repair? If you have that info you might be able to negotiate a better cash out option and have Miele do the repair. The entire appliance should not need to be replaced. What does your contract state the resolution if their vendor cannot fix the appliance? They usually have maximums on replacement/repair costs. Can you ask them to transfer the repair to Miele and you pay the repair and then they reimburse you? Have you escalated to a supervisor? I just went through a big repair on my Miele wall oven that needed new control boards. It took 3 months to get the correct parts ordered from Miele - Miele is less than helpful working with a third party repair company/home warranty companies. My oven is now finally back to life. I did have a good idea after talking to Miele what a fair cash out might be.