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what cops should have in their first aid kits

  • what cops should have in their first aid kits

    As a streep cop, I know I need to be prepared to handle trauma wounds. In the interest of being fully prepared, I interviewed Dr. Fabrice Czarnecki about what items I should keep in my first aid kit.To get more news about hemostasis, you can visit official website.

    According to Dr. Czarnecki, police officers should carry a medical kit specifically designed for penetrating trauma (gunshot wounds and stab wounds).

    Low-cost and life saving
    A first aid kit can be assembled at a fairly low cost. While it would be a good idea for officers to carry a small kit at all times, they should definitely carry it during high-risk activities, like warrant service and protective detail, and during firearms training (in case of accidental injuries). According to Dr. Czarnecki, contents should include:
    Dr. Czarnecki recommends nitrile gloves over latex. Nitrile is more resistant to puncture and chemicals. They also do not cause the allergic reactions that individuals may experience with latex.

    A tourniquet is a tightly wrapped bandage that stops the flow of blood from an artery (usually a limb) by applying pressure. Tourniquets are safe and effective in trained hands -- if applied to an extremity for less than one hour. Tourniquets alone could save 60 percent of all the preventable deaths from combat trauma. Dr. Czarnecki's preferred tourniquet is the triangular bandage (usually 37 x 37 x 52 inches). It is cheap, lightweight and easy to deploy. A lot of people are scared to apply tourniquets, but people are increasingly recognizing their critical life-saving importance.

    Trauma dressings
    The key here is the ability to apply pressure to the wound, rather than just covering it and absorbing the blood. Dr. Czarnecki recommends the Cederroth Bloodstopper, sold in most public safety catalogs.

      September 7, 2022 8:48 PM MDT