So this issue had been ongoing for a while, and I wasn't able to pin down the issue. Basically, the freezer would fluctuate in temperature. The fridge seemed pretty constant, sometimes warming a little, but always within a few degree's of where it should be. The freezer though, would fluctuate about 20 degrees, sometimes cooling down to where it should, and cycling warmer. Many mornings I'd come out, hit the ice dispenser, and have it dump water when it opened, but then it'd fill up the ice maker again, showing it was functioning properly again.
It would sometimes seem that the air blowing out of the vents was warm. I knew the internal fan ran for a bit after the compressor stopped, so I figured this was just a timing thing. Whenever I heard the compressor running, it would be blowing cold.
Fast forward a bit, I put up a post on here, and while I was doing that, I decided to empty the freezer and re-organize, thinking it might just be an airflow issue. While I was in there, I inspected the frost pattern on the coils, and it looked good. After re-organizing, the system cooled down and seemed to be functioning perfectly. I assumed it was fixed, and that thread was closed.Want a instant solution and get
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