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Qutoric - Research of XML solutions

  • bitka titka
    September 25, 2021
    Qutoric - Research of XML solutions
    Electronic documents in XML format are a tree-like hierarchical structure based on the parent–child relationship. The document always has a root – the top element of the hierarchy. All other elements are its descendants. The end nodes of the tree contain the values of the document parameters.
    The contract node is the root node of the XML tree. The id, regnum, etc. nodes are descendants of the contract node and contain values. The descendants of foundation and customer are the descendants of the root node and the parents for the nodes located lower in the hierarchy.
    XMLQuire is a lightweight XML editor for Windows with special XPath editing features
    Due to the fact that information interaction is carried out by exchanging electronic documents in XML format, the problem of analyzing their structure and content is solved. The analysis procedure, as a rule, is reduced to the allocation of certain objects in the structure of electronic documents, filling them with data and saving them to a relational database. The problem is that there are many types of documents, their structure is different, and for each you need to write your own separate function for analyzing the structure and content.
    For each incoming type of XML documents, it is necessary to implement an analysis function that would bring data from an electronic document to the structure of the corresponding table and save them to the database. This approach has a number of obvious disadvantages:
    - the number of functions increases in proportion to the number of different types of incoming documents;
    – when changing the structure of incoming documents, or the structure of database tables, the body of functions must be changed;
    – when adding a new type of XML document processing function to the system, or after making changes to existing functions, the entire system must be recompiled and updated.