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Also, tokens should be given out after every round

  • July 8, 2021
    There must be a group game in which two to five people can play. Additionally, a different world is needed where there is no way to join yellow or green directly but you must join one of the blue wizards to RS gold get on an undetermined team. A two-minute penalty could be handed out for fighting with the team you were randomly assigned to. Others players can quit and rejoin until they get on the right team.

    Also, tokens should be given out after every round. It is possible to get the tokens that you desire even if your connection goes down or you lose connectivity halfway through the game. I've literally lost 20+ games in the morning, and when we were finally winning the game, I lag out at the altar of fire.

    I hope that since this is the "official year of the update for Runescape," they will eliminate all the bugs such as invisible barriers and scoring mistakes. Around 25% of games were scored incorrectly, according to me. Today, playing 50/50, it was reported that I won 2 games while my teammate also had a win in one game. The team should have received credit for buy OSRS gold three games. I was not surprised by the fact that the score was not as high (it is a regular occurrence and I've come anticipate it) but that particular team there was a decrepency was a real annoyance to me.