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you are too entrenched in bad RS gold habits

  • Rsking dom
    March 24, 2020
    By there in endgame, you are too entrenched in bad RS gold habits and do not know what's good or bad unless you speak to other RuneScape players. If you'd like people to get to RuneScape game, then you need to show them a while and test them in their abilities, providing them an endorphin rush and encouraging them to push their limits. Every action game that is good does so, irrespective of their quirks and oddities.

    Eliminating switches is not likely to fix population that is declining and I doubt it is a variable. It's misleading to say RuneScape's population is diminishing because of the learning curve and clunky mechanisms, considering we have massive content droughts, poor PR with MTX, and an overall lack of excitement throughout the RuneScape playerbase. Brick-wall learning curves do not stop folks from getting into games if word of mouth is powerful. Monster Hunter and Warframe are games which exhibit those examples perfectly, even when the former did make some QoL changes to make it even more mainstream with World, and Monster Hunter is a series that's notorious for being called"clunky". In spite of Earth that's the situation, being slower and deliberate especially in comparison to the other series Devil May Cry of Capcom.

    Finally, tiny switches which are insignificant in the grand scheme of things can be reversed and be utilized as a point for maintaining them in RuneScape game, leaving it for people that are looking to really go the distance and keep in that top 0.1%. I don't believe in taking away things that lower the ability ceiling unless it's overpowered, like Planted Feet (which can be barely any ability when providing you a huge buff) and Spellbook Swap (which does move too far in making Magic too flexible ). And more importantly there'll always be some scapegoat for individuals not getting into buy old school runescape gold PvM. It was elitism and group content. In 2017 onwards it's switches. In any situation, it's some boogeyman debate. At some point, these people will need to find a solution themselves and address this.