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If they just absolutely said RS gold

  • Rsking dom
    April 14, 2020
    If they just absolutely said RS gold"We want to change this to seem progressive. Please gives us more money for being virtuous." I wouldn't be mad. It is obvious they are pandering and they attempt to mask that using this"being the ideal thing to do" lol. Jagex would like to make money and somebody convinced some manager this can help do that.The hamfisted way this change was implemented (breaking up the Feud quest which relied upon the gag) informs me it is more probably some clueless manager who forced the shift.

    I don't care what you state that the LGBT thing was good and I'm glad they shook up the apparently homophobic subset of their audience, those people go out of their way to make homosexuals feel undesirable and uncomfortable and their small demonstration goes to show how childish and not worthy of listening to they were, they all did was exemplify why it was needed to be truthful, so I won't shed a tear due to their gloomy asses and that I wear my rainbow scarf in pride.

    I do however agree that the shifting of those titles from Ali is fairly lame, things like that is harmless and had a joking in game lore reasoning, nothing over some fantastic fun and adds character to Runescape sport world, honestly I do not mind the other changes but that one looks really misguided and may be argued to be less inclusive, since you're apparently too afraid to include them in harmless jokes. It's been drawn to my attention the homophobes weren't real osrs Runescape gamers, that honestly only gets the"why did not they understand from osrs" more absurd, shouldent let hate bands triumph, particularly not when they don't play your match in the first place.

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