The control scheme is slightly different, depending on whether you play
Diablo IV Gold on PC or mobile devices, but the concept behind it is the same. It's a simple game where you pick a quest from town, venture out into the wilderness, repeatedly tap or click to fight your enemies, sometimes activating special abilities or drinking the healing potion. The battles aren't too intense but it's a lot of fun and requires a bit of strategic thinking, particularly when you're besieged by the apocalyptic hordes and you have to manage special cooldowns on abilities as well as a finite inventory of potion.
Diablo Immortal's gameplay fundamentals are, essentially, the same like the gameplay you'd found in the three previous Diablo games. Because Diablo is a mobile game initially, actions appear less precise, character development seems to be less precise, and there's an overall feeling that the game gives you the ability to adjust for the touch controls. It's not a problem but the difficulty still ramps up as time passes.
In the typical fashion of Diablo, you'll also collect loot throughout the game -- a lot of loot. Just about every enemy you encounter will drop some sort of magical weapon or piece of armor you'll be constantly swapping out gear to improve your skills while you play. Everything you don't use can be salvaged this, and it's another of Diablo Immortal's top features. Instead of selling off useless gear, you can scrap it into parts and utilize those parts to
Diablo 4 Gold buy enhance the equipment you wish to keep. This provides you with a regular sense of growth, and allows you to plan future character strategies that will be based on certain important pieces of equipment.