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To learn more about our privacy policy Click hereThe shear span-to-effective depth ratio (a/d) is one of the factors governing the shear behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) beams, with or without shear reinforcement. In high-strength concrete (HSC), cracks may propagate between the aggregate particles and result in a brittle failure which is against the philosophy of most design guidelines. The experimental results of six HSC beams, with and without shear reinforcement, tested under four-point bending with a/d ranged from 2.0 to 3.0 are presented and compared with different model equations in design codes. The a/d ratio has higher influence on the shear strength of reinforced HSC beams without shear reinforcement than beams with shear reinforcement. Most of the shear resistance prediction models underestimate the concrete shear strength of the beams but overpredict shear resistance of beams with shear reinforcement. However, the fib Model code 2010 accurately predicted the shear resistance for all the beams within an appropriate level of approximation (LoA).
High-strength concrete (HSC) as defined by ACI 363R 2010 is a concrete mix with 28-day compressive strength greater than 6000 psi (41 MPa). It is preferred over normal-strength concrete (NSC) because of its superior durability and mechanical properties. In HSC, propagation of cracks through the aggregates rather than around the aggregates is possible if the hardened paste strength is higher than that of the aggregate. The propagation of cracks through the aggregates makes the crack smoother with a reduction in aggregate interlock (Regan et al. 2005). However, the reduction in aggregate interlock is a cause of concern as it can lead to brittle failure. HSC is the material of choice for use in heavily loaded columns, bridge girders, and precast elements because its improved strength can reduce member sizes and eventually overall cost.
The mechanism of shear transfer in RC members have generated extensive debate especially on the important variables to be considered in shear prediction models because shear resistance is a complex problem. These variables are transverse and longitudinal steel ratios; to a/d ratio; compressive strength of concrete; yield strength of steel reinforcement; crack spacing; bond stress between steel and concrete, and size of the beam (ACI 426-1973; CSA23.3- 2004; EC 2- 1992). An experimental approach has been developed for RC members to evaluate shear strength provided by concrete (Vc) and steel reinforcements (Vs) (Wu et al. 2020). The variations of the a/d ratios have been taken into consideration to develop model. The results showed that Vc and Vs were significantly affected by a/d and they vary with the same cross section; therefore, they cannot be considered as cross-section property.
The shear span-to-effective depth ratio (a/d[/i]) is one of the factors governing the shear behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) beams, with or without shear reinforcement. In high-strength concrete (HSC), cracks may propagate between the aggregate particles and result in a brittle failure which is against the philosophy of most design guidelines. The experimental results of six HSC beams, with and without shear reinforcement, tested under four-point bending with a/d[/i] ranged from 2.0 to 3.0 are presented and compared with different model equations in design codes. The a/d[/i] ratio has higher influence on the shear strength of reinforced HSC beams without shear reinforcement than beams with shear reinforcement. Most of the shear resistance prediction models underestimate the concrete shear strength of the beams but overpredict shear resistance of beams with shear reinforcement. However, the fib Model code 2010 accurately predicted the shear resistance for all the beams within an appropriate level of approximation (LoA).
High-strength concrete (HSC) as defined by ACI 363R 2010 is a concrete mix with 28-day compressive strength greater than 6000 psi (41 MPa). It is preferred over normal-strength concrete (NSC) because of its superior durability and mechanical properties. In HSC, propagation of cracks through the aggregates rather than around the aggregates is possible if the hardened paste strength is higher than that of the aggregate. The propagation of cracks through the aggregates makes the crack smoother with a reduction in aggregate interlock (Regan et al. [url=]2005[/url]). However, the reduction in aggregate interlock is a cause of concern as it can lead to brittle failure. HSC is the material of choice for use in heavily loaded columns, bridge girders, and precast elements because its improved strength can reduce member sizes and eventually overall cost.
The mechanism of shear transfer in RC members have generated extensive debate especially on the important variables to be considered in shear prediction models because shear resistance is a complex problem. These variables are transverse and longitudinal steel ratios; to a/d[/i] ratio; compressive strength of concrete; yield strength of steel reinforcement; crack spacing; bond stress between steel and concrete, and size of the beam (ACI 426-[url=]1973[/url]; CSA23.3- [url=]2004[/url]; EC 2- [url=]1992[/url]). An experimental approach has been developed for RC members to evaluate shear strength provided by concrete (V[/i]c[/i]) and steel reinforcements (V[/i]s[/i]) (Wu et al. [url=]2020[/url]). The variations of the a/d[/i] ratios have been taken into consideration to develop model. The results showed that V[/i]c[/i] and V[/i]s[/i] were significantly affected by a/d[/i] and they vary with the same cross section; therefore, they cannot be considered as cross-section property.