Some of you may already doubt what I am saying, but allow me to explain further. Over the past ten years, I have seen, experienced, and come in contact with an increasing number of very nice and caring guys who want to make a relationship work just as much as women do. The truth is that men today also yearn for a satisfying, loving, and happy relationship. While there are also many jerks that often give men a bad name, I have almost daily come in contact with many really nice guys who truly want to make relationships work.
Although these men, if they did date you and liked you, would probably want to have sex with you, they would not leave you just because you wanted to wait while getting to know each other. In fact, the more they actually got to like and know you, the more they would probably want to make the occasion special as well. Realize that for a guy to wait to have sex actually helps him search out how much he would want to be intimate with you. This gives the passion in your relationship a chance to grow even more.
There is wisdom in waiting. As you wait to have sex with him, he will have the opportunity to first find out whether he really likes and cares about you. If you are able to make your dating experiences positive without sex, this delayed gratification will also help him through those tough times in your relationship when you are not seeing eye-to-eye. The more he experiences being successful in making you happy while you are dating, the more he will have the confidence in himself when times get tough and you are not always as happy with him as in the beginning.
Realize that waiting to have sex for the time when you feel you are ready can actually help increase the passion in your relationship and assist your guy to become the best man he can be. As long as he feels hope and he has succeeded in making you happy, I promise you there is no threat in saying no to his advances.
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So, if in the heat of the moment you feel that you are not ready, this is what you can safely say: "Hey, I really like you and this feels so good, but I am not ready to go further yet. I just like to go slow." By saying this, you have communicated that you want him to wait, yet you have also done it in a way that also tells him that he has made you happy. In fact, you've given him the courage to continue to pursue you. Should he disregard your wishes, repeat the phrase and be firm.
It is important that you communicate you wants in a way that does not make him wrong for wanting sex, but at the same time makes it clear to him that you expect him to respect you as well. The more mature you are and the better you know yourself, the easier it is for you to know the right time for you. In the end, follow your heart and remember that the more you respect yourself, the more others will respect you. And this applies to men and to women.