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That's why it's something you'll need

  • Donna Stella
    November 27, 2023

    That's why it's something you'll need to purchase a lot of, I think, actually an excellent tip would be to make sure at the beginning of the day, you've got are able to access another account or secondary character, for instance, you've finished on your main account for the day, and you've just 10 minutes left before you go to bed or whatever, you know, to begin your own. It's going be your tailor, you know, so you'll have all the clothes that you buy on your main, you can give to your tailor to start pumping out bags. It's true, most people, you're likely to do. This is going to be quite an aggressive market.

    However, even if you're making them for your own use, and also for your guild or whatever, you know, it's still useful,

    the greater the number of buyers in a marketplace and that's why you that you will sell less in a given time. Like if there's hundreds of sellers of an item, you simply sell one at a time, say for a 24-hour or 48 hour period, it'll sell eventually. You don't want to sell 10. If that's logical. But I believe that most lucrative WoTLK Gold markets that will sell fast are the ones with lower cost bags. I think everyone goes to make it all the first thing they do is check for room cloth bags, including TBC.

    It's just a natural way to go about it. It's somewhere in the middle bag. In my server. Cloth bags are more expensive than other wheat bags, and they're still being sold.

    However, it's high time that we go to TBC every single one of you 80% of the people that is on our server are getting not getting runecloth. Currently, there's an, um, lesser percent of those who have runeclothOkay, so I'm suggesting that you probably want to aim to make bags right from the gate. If you'd like to play with it like a cloth class the bag will require tailoring at the start a

    Like every green, that's why I need to know what I'm doing to gain gold for my main, because every green or get goes to my beloved you know every bit of cloth I purchase will being put into it. That's why I'm already losing so much in sort of raw, and just vendor in the event of a potential. Do you know what I'm talking about? But I know it's going to be worth it in the long run.

    Do you think there's enough time for players to create two characters? Or put it in this way? One character will be 70 years old in the pre patch, and another one to like 65? Do you think that there's enough time?

    Okay, so I'm prioritizing. Like that I'm putting the importance of cheap WoTLK Classic Gold leveling ahead of other things. This is basically what I'm looking for to get the pre patch. My goal is to have a 70 Paladin on my main account, or 70 broken for my other account.