Disappointed with your arguments. You didn't offer you pushback that is suitable. You're able to locate tea Candles's bad nu-wow arguments on r/WoW Classic, the forums, anyplace, which have
nethergarde wow gold constantly been rebutted. He does not like WoW Classic. He doesn't understand the enjoyment people get out of an RPG. 'equilibrium' is. He likes nu-WoW, that's cool, he can play there.
We can't play anywhere but pservers, and if they don't stick to the NoChanges doctrine, that is the real killer. Not the RPG elements of every class/spec having its flaws and weaknesses, or the length of time it takes to level, neither the original mechanics of supervisors.
I didn't understand you played devil's advocate, if that's the case. There's no point planning for the worst, since it won't be what the NoChanges urges want. I will not, nor will most of the people who pushed for WoW Classic, wish to play a frankenstein's monster of tokens,"class balancing" and other nu-wow attributes mishmashed in using 1.12 ones.
It's NoChanges (the standard bulletpoints of that which constitutes such) or bust. People who enjoy nu-WoW won't be satsified with it, nor will the true audience who attracted the subject of WoW Classic servers. Angrily and if individuals loudly rebel against deviations that were stated, blizzard can be steered NoChanges
I concur blizzactivision is a dreadful and different company to
buy elysium project nethergarde gold the first. Let's just hope a multimillion dollar company can create a better"blizzlike" experience than french part-time devs at a basement. Otherwise, no point playing. You should have the opposite attitude, if anything I would say.