• Dinesh Kumar

    What is the cheapest way to travel in India?

    If you select suitable routes, traveling in India can be really economical. Below is a summary of the most cost-effective options:

    Trains: The extensive rail network offers affordable travel, with sleeper

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  • Dinesh Kumar

    Famous Places to Visit in Delhi

    Here are five famous places to visit in Delhi:

    Qutub Minar: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Qutub Minar stands tall at 73 meters, showcasing Indo-Islamic architecture amidst ancient ruins.

    India Gate: A memorial to

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  • Hemant Chodhury

    5 Most Famous and Beautiful Temples in Dehradun

    Here are the 5 most famous and beautiful temples in Dehradun:

    Tapkeshwar Temple: Situated on the banks of the Asan River, Tapkeshwar Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is known for its natural cave

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  • Dinesh Kumar

    Top 5 Picnic Spots in Delhi You Must Visit This Summer

    Here are the top 5 picnic spots in Delhi you must visit this summer:

    Lodhi Gardens: Well-known for its verdant surroundings and ancient structures, Lodhi Gardens provides a calm environment ideal

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  • Hemant Chodhury

    Hire a Bus on Rent for Famous Tours Near Delhi

    Are you looking forward to the holidays and tired of living the same old boring life? Why not take your loved ones on a bus tour of Delhi's stunning and enchanted locations? Yes, you read correctly: taking

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