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The distance between Noida and Varanasi by car is around 800 km, which takes 12 to14 hours depending on traffic and route. The Yamuna Expressway and NH19 are the greatest routes for the journey as they provide good
Noida to Varanasi distance by road
The distance between Noida and Varanasi by car is around 800 km, which takes 12 to14 hours depending on traffic and route. The Yamuna Expressway and NH19 are the greatest routes for the journey as they provide good roads and spectacular views. Along the way, youâll pass through cities like Agra, Kanpur and Prayagraj, where you can take short breaks to explore local attractions or enjoy regional cuisine.
For a comfortable and hassle-free journey, opting for a Car on rent in Noida with Driver is an excellent choice. This service allows you to relax and enjoy the trip without worrying about navigation or driving fatigue. Professional drivers are well-versed in the best routes and ensure a safe and pleasant travel experience.
Travelers often prefer to start early in the morning to make the most of daylight and avoid traffic. Whether youâre visiting Varanasi for its spiritual significance, vibrant culture, or historical charm, the road trip from Noida adds to the overall experience, making it a memorable journey.
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