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Chandigarh to Dalhousie distance is approx. 315 km. By road, it is a 7 to 8 hrs journey which also depends on traffic and road conditions. People can travel in private cabs, self-driven cars or frequent buses operating
Chandigarh to Dalhousie Distance
Chandigarh to Dalhousie distance is approx. 315 km. By road, it is a 7 to 8 hrs journey which also depends on traffic and road conditions. People can travel in private cabs, self-driven cars or frequent buses operating between the two destinations. The route by NH44 and NH154 is well maintained making the journey smooth.
All the train lovers would know the closest station to this place, which is Dalhousie - Pathankot around 80kms from Dalhousie. You could take a ride on the train from Chandigarh to Dalhousie. The Chandigarh Dalhousie Tour provides an enjoyable travel experience with great views of landscape, greenery and beautiful mountains.
The entire journey is as beautiful as part of the tour with an excellent view of the Shivalik Hills and very beautiful villages as well. When you reach Dalhousie, visit places like Khajjiar, Dainkund Peak and St. John's Church.
Whether you are taking a weekend getaway or planning an extended tour, the road journey from Chandigarh to Dalhousie makes for a fresh and exciting journey.
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