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As stadiums worldwide gear up to enhance security and improve safety measures, the demand for advanced counter-UAV solutions is also rising.
Stadiums aren’t just important because they are a hub of the most chaotic crowds cheering for their favorite teams or superstars, they are important because many events of national significance are hosted in these venues.
The misuse of drones has become a matter of concern in recent times. Today, the technology is being used by malicious individuals to cause chaos, drop explosives, and capture images without consent in stadiums during sports events.
Drones have been in use for decades, but the way perpetrators are using or misusing them now for security and privacy violations in sensitive or crowded establishments is appalling.
The growing use of drones and their easy accessibility present security risks and challenges to stadiums. The illegal drones hover over the stadiums and pose safety hazards to players, staff, and spectators.
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